Donate Now Make a Difference…
Donate Now!

DRAIL is continually seeking new generous community donors and funders to partner with DRAIL in providing opportunities to serve our local community experiencing disabilities.

Make a Donation
Graphic illustration of three hands holding up a credit card, a coin, and a heart.

Your Donation Provides Tremendous Support

At DRAIL or any non-profit organization unrestricted funding is the most important yet often the hardest to acquire. With unrestricted funds DRAIL can directly support major activities where budget funding or in-kind supplies are not currently available. Whether it's providing direct consumer services and purchasing assistive devices or covering the cost of case services, unrestricted giving allows DRAIL to respond when and where the need is the greatest.


All gifts no matter what the size are appreciated. Supporters can make a one-time donation or align this giving to their monthly or annual giving. Donations can be securely made online and cash or check donations can be received in our main office.


With each donation DRAIL will recognize the donors/sponsors on DRAIL's website and will provide an individualized or customized recognition opportunity with any future activities, events, or social media postings.

Make Your Donation

Complete the form below by entering your donation amount and even choose how you would like your donation to be applied.

* Your credit card will be charged on the 22nd of each month.

DRAIL services are funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
California Department of Rehabilitation and public and private donations.